
“Allergy is the most common chronic disease in Europe. Up to 20% of patients with allergies struggle daily with the fear of a possible asthma attack, anaphylactic shock, or even death from an allergic reaction”
(EAACI, 2016)

This is the biggest and fastest growing modern-day epidemic of chronic illness brought about by two main factors low nutrition diets which reduces natural immunity and over-consumption of artificial chemicals which have a mild toxic effect overstraining body organs.

Allergies and intolerances are different

An intolerance to something that is not life-threatening but can give the person or animal a bad reaction which makes them feel unwell in some way. For example, intolerance to some foods may give a person an itching skin reaction or headache. The reaction in some cases can make a person very ill for weeks but not primarily life-threatening.

Intolerances in food are always on the increase as artificial chemicals used in the production of non-natural foods often called processed foods or fast foods put a strain on the human body. The overload of strain to cope with detoxing the artificial chemicals is increasingly too much for a person and they develop a weakness to digest foods or an intolerance. The solution for many people suffering from intolerances is to avoid foods or take medicine. Natural remedies are available to cure many intolerances illnesses combined with a change to natural foods to boost natural nutrition.

Some intolerances may be reclassified over time if they have been identified as toxic which leads to long term health problems. For example, asbestos is now classified as a toxic material which causes illness in the lungs.

Allergies are fast increasing as people are consuming or exposed to an overload of toxins which weaken their immunity to a dangerous low life-threatening sensitivity. This now causes many deaths and like intolerances the people can choose to avoid the thing which causes the reaction. Medicines are available. Some sufferers turn to alternative medicines and high nutrition natural foods to boost immunity and sometimes overcome the allergic reaction.

The European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI)

The EAACI is an organisation with 11,000 members in 124 countries

The researchers and health professionals work on ways to improve people’s health affected by allergic diseases.

There are 50 National Allergy Societies of which The EAACI is the leading source of expertise in Europe for everything to do with allergies.

The NHS report a big increase with allergies and offer information click here to visit the NHS

Allergy UK. is a Charity offering support and advice
for sufferers click here They also have a free helpline
01322 619898